How to Delete Other Storage on Mac

How to Delete Other Storage on Mac? – Simple Guide and Tips

Hello there! If your Mac storage is continually filling up, and a sizeable chunk is consumed by this mysterious ‘Other’, you’ve landed on the right page. Here, I’ll help you understand precisely what “‘Other’ on Mac storage” means and how to Delete Other Storage on Mac for better functioning of your device. It’s something that might seem complicated at first, but once you read through this article, it’ll become as simple as pie!

For anyone puzzled about ‘What is Other on Mac Storage and How to Delete it,’ here’s the straightforward scoop; ‘Other’ typically encompasses several types of files including user documents, downloads, cache data, and app accessories among other facets taking up space on your Mac. Deleting these files can free up significant storage space that can ultimately enhance system performance while making room for essential files.

Where is Other Storage on a Mac

On macOS, the “Other” storage category encompasses a variety of files that don’t neatly fit into predefined categories like Apps, Documents, Photos, or Media.

This can include system caches, logs, updates, and personal data like PDFs or archives. Finding and managing this space is crucial for keeping your system running smoothly and ensuring you have enough room for important files. Here’s how to locate the “Other” storage on your Mac:

  • Access Finder: Open a new Finder window to start navigating through your Mac’s file system.
  • Go to Folder: Select “Go” from the top menu in Finder, then choose “Go to Folder…” from the dropdown list.
  • Enter Path for Library Caches: In the dialog box that appears, enter ~/Library/Caches and click Go. This will direct you to one of the primary locations contributing to Other storage.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to see various folders that contain cache files for different applications and processes on your Mac.

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Steps to Delete Other Storage on Mac

Cleaning up the “Other” storage on your Mac can free up valuable disk space, enhancing your computer’s performance. “Other” storage contains files that don’t fall into the common categories like Audio, Movies, Photos, and Apps.

This can include documents, archives, system files, caches, and app data among others. Below are steps to help you effectively reduce the size of “Other” storage on your Mac:

  • Remove Large Documents: Use Finder with Command-F to search for large documents by setting a file size filter. Search for common document types (.pdf, .docx) and delete any unneeded large files.
  • Clean Up System and App Caches: Manually navigate to ~/Library/Caches in Finder. Backup then delete contents of cache folders but avoid removing the folders themselves.
  • Delete Old Device Backups: In Finder, go to ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup. Carefully delete old backups from devices you no longer need or use.
  • Manage Time Machine Backups: Use Time Machine preferences to exclude items from backups or reduce backup frequency. Manually delete old backups from external backup drives if necessary.
  • Clear Log Files: Navigate to ~/Library/Logs and /Library/Logs. Review log files and remove outdated or unnecessary log data that may be consuming space.
  • Remove Browser Data: Within each browser’s settings menu find options to clear cache, cookies, history which are contributing towards ‘Other’ storage space.
  • Eliminate Duplicate Files and Unnecessary Downloads: Routinely check your Downloads folder; remove duplicates or outdated files no longer needed.

Following these steps regularly not only keeps your “Other” storage lean but also ensures that your macOS environment remains optimized for better performance. Be sure always to back up vital data before deleting anything potentially important.

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How Much Can You Expect to Delete from Other Storage on Mac?

The “Other” storage category on a Mac encompasses a variety of files, including documents, caches, system and application files not classified under the usual categories like Apps, Photos, or Media. While it’s unrealistic to completely eliminate Other storage due to its necessity for the smooth operation of macOS and installed applications, you can free up some space. The amount of deletable data varies depending on what your Other storage contains and how you use your Mac.

  • Check Your Current Storage Usage: Before making any changes, assess how much space is currently occupied by Other storage on your Mac by going to About This Mac > Storage. This will give you a baseline.
  • Clear Cache Files: Regularly deleting cache files from applications and the system can recover space. Be cautious with system caches as improper deletion might cause issues. Depending on usage, clearing cache could recover anywhere from MBs to GBs.
  • Remove Old iOS Backups: iTunes or Finder-stored backups of iOS devices can take up significant space. Removing outdated backups through iTunes or Finder (depending on your macOS version) can free substantial amounts.
  • Delete Downloads Folder Unnecessary Files: Your Downloads folder likely contains files you no longer need – like installer packages or archived documents. Reviewing and clearing out unneeded items can reclaim valuable disk space.
  • Review Large Documents and Files: Use Finder’s search options to locate large files scattered around your system not routinely accessed or needed. Sorting these out could release additional GBs contingent upon individual file sizes.

While these steps offer general guidance, results vary based on individual usage patterns and data types stored in Other storage. Regular maintenance is key; users often report reclaiming anywhere from several gigabytes (GB) to potentially tens of GBs—especially if there hasn’t been routine cleanup conducted previously.

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What does ‘Other’ refer to in Mac storage?

It refers to files and data like documents, photos, music, videos, app files that don’t have a dedicated sub-section under your storage.

How can deleting ‘Other’ data enhance my Mac’s performance?

By clearing ‘other’ data which is often non-essential or redundant you lighten your Mac’s memory load, speeding up its overall performance.

Is it safe to delete the ‘Other’ data on my Mac?

Yes, it’s generally safe but caution is advised as this may include system or important personal files. Always double-check before deleting.

How can I clear cache data from my Mac safely?

You can safely clear the cache by going to “Library,” then “Caches,” and then moving those files to the trash. Be sure not to delete any unfamiliar system files.

Can I use cleaning tools for clearing Other in my Mac Storage?

Yes, cleaning tools like CleanMyMac X provide easy and effective solutions for removing unwanted Other category files from your storage.

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Cleaning up the ‘Other’ on your Mac storage can significantly enhance your system’s performance and free up valuable space. Always ensure you are judicious when deleting files, steering clear of important documents or essential system data.

Tools like Onyx or CleanMyMac X serve as beneficial aids to help with this process, ensuring safer and more efficient cleanup. In all efforts to maintain a clean and functioning Mac, keeping a check on your ‘Other’ storage and opting for regular cleanups can go a long way in the management and optimization of your device.

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